I decided i wanted a pop-art look after researching my casestudy of the candle thieves i decided i wanted to use an iconic looking sun , something that would stand out but just a sun wouldnt be enough so i drew a cityscape in the stylistic of a new york city then scanned it in and then went over it on paint.net and coloured it in one colour grey, i then chaged the contrast so it was white and put it over a blue backgorund of some variations of the image you can see blow aswell as disc labels, and examples of what the front and back covers would look like.
I created the band logo by editing the century gothic font in bold on Paint.net ( a free program similar to adobe photoshop) i put each letter onto a different layer putting them so they overlap each other and by selecting with the magic wand tool i then deleted that part of the image on the layer above. I moved the text slightly so the letter were not connected and then a century gothic regular font underneath. This is the result:
When deciding on the record labels look i decided that it must be iconogrpahic of music so i decided i would use a plectrum shape. with the name inside it. I used a logo i had created for myself on the inside of the plectrum this saved time and suited the design with the round curves
Next i created some other logos to represent the recording studio.
The front panel first started out with the idea of a city i wanted a landscape photo of a city i then decided i wanted it to be expressed with an influence of pop art. I drew an Image of a New York city scanned the image in then using Paint.net I traced it using a new layer then deletd that image and the coloured it all in grey so no black lines where visible. I then added a blue background this looked to simple there need to be more going on on the page. I decided a sun but how would i suggest the design should it be just a yellow circle or include more or should it have lines coming off it, where should it be postitioned in the image. i decided the best place to put it was as a sunset behind the city and i was going to have a half circle sun with orange and yellow strips.
I then added diagonal stripes in different shades of blue.
I decided to redesign with more influneces from modern a post modern culture such as patterns and iconogrpahic images such as the no signal screen and checkerboard pattern. this became the flow of the rest of this text. by combining these with the images i already had i was able to create my final product . heres all the pieces including pages of the booklet, all six panels and the cd and dvd discs.
I constructed an actual digipak, by using the panels from some of digipak singles and by creating a card template by drawing round an existing digipak i then assmebles it together witht he printed images scaled to fit.
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